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Slash's Guitar Gear on Appetite For Destruction
What Are Clipping Diodes?
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Hungry Robot
Greenhouse Effects
Dunn Effects
Kink Guitar Pedals
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Slash's Guitar Gear on Appetite For Destruction
What Are Clipping Diodes?
The Signal Cheyne Oberon Germanium Boost is a Rangemaster-style pedal handmade in France.
It uses a NOS PNP germanium transistor that's carefully measured for leakage and gain, and biased for optimum performance.
The Oberon Germanium Boost comprises a single knob and a 3-way toggle, making it a simple but effective tool in your pedalboard arsenal.
A built in charge pump reverses polarity of the power supply, ensuring your modern power plays nicely with the old-school NOS germanium transistor.
The Boost control adjusts the output level of the pedal. An internal trim pot allows you to adjust the amount of input gain, allowing you to fine tune the level of your guitar signal - basically, it's a second guitar volume pot!
The 3-way Voice toggle focuses the boost on different frequency ranges: top position will cut mids and lows; middle position will cut most lows; bottom position gives a full-range boost.