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The Formula B Fuzz Rangers Limited Edition is a superb pedal offering independent Fuzz and Boost channels based on the Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face and Dallas Arbiter Rangemaster respectively.
This world-exclusive Limited Edition version of the bestselling Fuzz Rangers pedal gives you the option to switch between germanium and silicon transistors for the best of both (fuzz) worlds.
With the option to run the Fuzz and Boost channels independently, it's an incredibly flexible pedal for your pedalboard, but where it gets interesting is that there's a toggle to set the direction of the signal: choose whether to run the Boost into the Fuzz, or vice-versa.
Running the Fuzz into the Boost gets you a clearer tone with plenty of gain to push your amp, showcasing all that lovely Fuzz Face breakup, while running the Boost into the Fuzz saturates the input of the Fuzz and gets you a rich, saturated, super-fuzzy character which responds well to your EQ toggle setting.
The "Si" mode of the fuzz channel is based on the silicon Fuzz Face, using a pair of NOS military-spec BC108 transistors and carbon-layer resistors. It sounds great on its own, and reacts really nicely to your guitar's volume pot - as Fuzz Faces do.
The "Ge"mode is based on the Cesar Diaz-built Square Face, made famous by Stevie Ray Vaughan. For this 2024 version of the Fuzz Rangers Limited Edition, Marco at Formula B has loaded it with the exact same germanium NTE transistors as found in the Square Face. "The result on the fuzz side is great!" Marco says.
The Boost circuit is based on the Dallas Rangemaster Treble Booster, with silicon BC549 transistors to reduce compatibility problems (polarity, power etc) with the Fuzz circuit.
The Fuzz Rangers Limited Edition features an EQ toggle switch to shift the Boost range. Low is full range, Mid begins to roll off the bass, and Hi gives your classic Treble Booster sound.
More than simply for fans of Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan, this pedal will serve you well with its impressive tonal flexibility in a small footprint.