Hungry Robot
Greenhouse Effects
Dunn Effects
Kink Guitar Pedals
Formula B
Drunk Beaver
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Slash's Guitar Gear on Appetite For Destruction
What Are Clipping Diodes?
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Hungry Robot
Greenhouse Effects
Dunn Effects
Kink Guitar Pedals
Formula B
Drunk Beaver
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Slash's Guitar Gear on Appetite For Destruction
What Are Clipping Diodes?
This pedal is reduced as B-stock - Aesthetic-only damage from leaked glue pot (don't ask!). Only top right quarter affected. Tested and works perfectly and sounds great. See pictures for details.
The Drunk Beaver Ivan Mazepa is Vitalii's ingenious remake of a 1970’s Soviet-era Poltava Fuzz-Wah pedal; a unique hybrid silicon / germanium circuit combining modern components with vintage Soviet transistors (Si KT315A/B & Ge GT310B) as found in the original.
While the original Poltava Fuzz-Wah only had Volume and Tone controls, the Drunk Beaver Ivan Mazepa adds Bias and Gain pots, as well as a Big Muff-style tone stack on the toggle switch.
Volume ("Greatness") Master output level, with plenty of volume on tap.
Gain ("Resistance") Controls the amount of distortion. An internal trimmer on the original Poltava
Tone ("Diplomacy") Adjusts balance between bass and treble.
Bias ("Liberty") Adjusts 2nd gain stage biasing, changing the character of the fuzz. An internal trimmer on the original Poltava
Tone stack toggle Switches between classic Poltava and Big Muff-style tone stacks.
LED brightness trimmer This internal trimpot allows you to adjust the status LED brightness.